13th February 2024
Two further public exhibition events are scheduled as follows:
Two further public exhibition events are scheduled to take place in February and March 2024. These events will provide the community with an opportunity to review the status of the project and discuss the community benefit offering in more detail. The events are being held as follows:
Wind2 invite you to attend public exhibition events on the draft proposals for the two turbine Swarclett Wind Farm. The proposed turbines are located on land approximately 1km to the southeast of Durran Mains, castletown.
Please join us to discuss the environmental impact assessment findings ahead of submitting the planning application. This event is an opportunity to provide your thoughts on the proposed community benefit distribution for the scheme.
The exhibitions will be held as follows:
Wednesday 28th February 2024
4pm - 7pm
Bower Community Centre
Thursday 14th March 2024
4pm - 7pm
Castletown Drill Hall
Any person wishing to make comments relating to the proposals, or wishing to obtain further information on, may do so by emailing: Alternatively, you can write to the Swarclett Wind Farm project team at: Wind2 Limited, The Hub, Cromarty, IV11 8YL.
Please note that comments made to the project team are not representations made to The Highland Council. There will be the opportunity to make direct representations to The Highland Council’s Planning Services when the planning application is submitted.
The consultation events are being held in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2013 under Regulation 7.
26th July 2023
The second public consultation event was held in Bower Hall on the 26th July 2023. A full planning application is due to be submitted by Christmas 2023.
11th July 2023
The first public consultation event was held in Castletown Drill Hall on the 11th July 2023.